Monday, March 25, 2013

Opened Eyes

Today, I began my journey as an "unstudent" committing to the idea of academic deviance. My biggest goal right now is to figure out what I want to do with my life. I have several goals, the flagship being entrepreneurship. As of now, I see no logical reason to attend college for two more years, after already completing four years, to merely obtain a Liberal Studies Degree and accrue nearly $40,000 of debt. Through research on people who dropped out of college, I found sites such as Unschooler and Uncollege. These movements support all of the beliefs that I have had for several months. I feel like I have a place to start.

Today, I also discovered George Carlin, Chris Guillebeau, John Holt, John Gatto, and Dale J. Stephens. All of these people question authority, compulsory education, and traditional routes to success. I believe that we are who we hang out with. While I may not be able to hang out with these people, reading their stories gives me a better idea of the type of people that I want to be around: people who think different.

Tomorrow, I continue my journey by further completing more steps in the Uncollege Manifesto.

"Although it is nice (and helpful) to have others validate your ideas, the second everyone agrees with you, you have lost your innovative edge." - Dale J. Stephens

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